【路透社 | RUPTLY】南韓總統文在寅接種阿斯利康 (AZ) 疫苗

Mar 23, 2021

影片/新聞出處:South Korea: President Moon gets AstraZeneca vaccine jab in Seoul


Mar 23, 2021

在海外出訪前,南韓總統文在寅於週二接種阿斯利康(AZ) COVID-19疫苗,為了加快疫苗接種,南韓開始為更多的老年人和衛生工作者接種疫苗。

68歲的文在寅在首爾辦公室附近的社區診所接受了注射,為預計 6 月前往英國參加 G7 峰會做準備。




Moon gets AstraZeneca shot as South Korea expands COVID-19 vaccine drive

SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korea’s President Moon Jae-in received AstraZeneca’s coronavirus vaccine on Tuesday ahead of an overseas trip, as the country began inoculating more senior citizens and health workers in an effort to accelerate its vaccination drive.

Moon, 68, got the shot from a community clinic near his office in Seoul to prepare for a planned visit to the United Kingdom for a G7 summit in June.

Moon’s wife and nine aides who will accompany him on the trip, including National Security Advisor Suh Hoon, were also vaccinated, his office said in a statement.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has invited South Korea, India and Australia to attend the summit as guests.

South Korea’s government on Tuesday began inoculating nearly 300,000 people at care hospitals and nursing homes who are 65 or older and medical workers there as it steps up its vaccination drive.

新聞出處:Moon gets AstraZeneca shot as South Korea expands COVID-19 vaccine drive
